Paula Hardter

Paula Hardter

Typical travel junkie. General zombie practitioner. Hardcore travel junkie. Amateur tv lover. Certified tv fan.

71 Author´s Posts
What absorbs solar radiation?

What absorbs solar radiation?

Ozone in the lower part of the atmosphere acts as a greenhouse gas and is a major pollutant. Spirulina, an algae found in ...

Will solar energy become affordable?

Will solar energy become affordable?

Yes, but we don't see any additional benefit in waiting any longer, since most of the remaining cost components are...

Community Solar Projects: Bringing Renewable Energy to the Masses

Community Solar Projects: Bringing Renewable Energy to the Masses

Community solar projects are an innovative way to bring renewable energy to the masses. These projects allow communities...

Where can solar energy be found in?

Where can solar energy be found in?

Solar energy is created by nuclear fusion that takes place in the sun. Fusion occurs when protons from hydrogen atoms...

Solar Energy and Your Home: Maximizing Efficiency with Smart Design and Technology

Solar Energy and Your Home: Maximizing Efficiency with Smart Design and Technology

Solar energy is a sustainable and renewable source of energy that can help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint and...

Is solar energy a smart investment?

Is solar energy a smart investment?

If you have a business or run a business from home, you may be able to claim your solar energy system as a tax deduction, ...

Where can solar energy be used?

Where can solar energy be used?

The most commonly used solar technologies for homes and businesses are photovoltaic solar energy for electricity, passive ...

Solar Water Heaters: The Green Alternative to Traditional Heaters

Solar Water Heaters: The Green Alternative to Traditional Heaters

In the face of growing concern over environmental degradation and climate change, the search for sustainable,...

What are advantages for solar energy?

What are advantages for solar energy?

Advantages of Solar Energy Renewable Energy Source. Among all the benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is...

Introduction To Solar Energy

Introduction To Solar Energy

Solar EnergyAs the world looks for cleaner and renewable sources of energy, solar power has been gaining more and more...

Where is the solar energy recovered?

Where is the solar energy recovered?

Solar energy is everywhere where the sun shines Solar energy is the most available source of energy on Earth. solar power ...

What is solar thermal electric conversion?

What is solar thermal electric conversion?

Solar thermal technologies are designed to convert incident solar radiation into usable heat. The solar heat conversion...

Can solar energy be used 24 hours a day?

Can solar energy be used 24 hours a day?

In addition, it produces absolutely no emissions. The technology used by the plant is based on molten salt heating (solar ...

Is investing in solar power a good investment?

Is investing in solar power a good investment?

The rising cost of electricity, combined with the decline in the cost of solar panels and systems in recent years, makes...

Are solar panels commercial?

Are solar panels commercial?

Residents can have commercial-size solar panels, as long as they don't care about the size. In fact, commercial-size...

What type of energy is solar energy?

What type of energy is solar energy?

Solar energy is the energy of the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. solar energy is the cleanest...

When did solar panels become commercial?

When did solar panels become commercial?

In the 19th century, it was observed that sunlight that collides with certain materials generates a detectable electric...

Which type solar panel is best in india?

Which type solar panel is best in india?

First-generation monocrystalline solar panels consist of black solar cells in which the light from the panel interacts...

What is the disadvantages of solar cells?

What is the disadvantages of solar cells?

Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Solar Cell ➨ Cannot be used in the absence of light from any source. The other benefit of ...

Can we use solar energy for everything?

Can we use solar energy for everything?

Unlimited solar energy The sun provides more than enough energy to meet everyone's energy needs and, unlike fossil fuels, ...

In which places solar energy is used?

In which places solar energy is used?

China— 32% United States— 16% Japan— 9% India— 7% Germany— 6%. solar energy, radiation from the Sun capable of...

What are the cons of solar cells?

What are the cons of solar cells?

DISADVANTAGES OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR CELLSPROBLEMS OF INTER. Like all other renewable energy sources, solar energy and...

Why solar energy is better than normal?

Why solar energy is better than normal?

Provides Clean, Renewable Energy Home solar energy is a clean, emission-free and renewable energy source. Unlike fossil...

Where can solar energy be located?

Where can solar energy be located?

Sunlight is the sun's radiant energy. The amount of solar radiation, or solar energy, that the Earth receives each day is ...

Which company makes best solar panel in india?

Which company makes best solar panel in india?

Number 1 on this list is Tata Power Solar, one of the top 10 solar companies in India. List of the 10 best plots.

How is solar energy stored once it is recovered?

How is solar energy stored once it is recovered?

Solar energy can also be stored in electrochemical batteries. When solar energy is pumped into a battery, a chemical...

Can any business go solar?

Can any business go solar?

Companies of all sizes are capitalizing on the financial opportunities of installing solar energy, demonstrating that a...

What are the four types of solar systems?

What are the four types of solar systems?

The newest option of solar panels is the growing trend of installing solar roof tiles. They are the modern answer to...

How solar energy benefits the environment?

As a renewable energy source, solar energy plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating...

Is solar energy used in india?

Is solar energy used in india?

India is endowed with enormous potential for solar energy. Around 5, 000 trillion kWh per year energy incidents occur in...

What are 3 ways that solar energy can be used?

What are 3 ways that solar energy can be used?

Uses of solar energy extend to water heating systems. Most solar water heating solutions create hot water that is...

Why solar energy is not used in industry?

Why solar energy is not used in industry?

While traditional energy sources are dispatchable and can supply energy when we need it, the sun's energy is intermittent ...

How long can solar be stored?

How long can solar be stored?

Well, household solar battery units usually last 5 to 20 years. In fact, many manufacturers and suppliers guarantee that...

How is solar radiation measured?

How is solar radiation measured?

In well-established locations, this data has been collected for more than forty years. In energy balance studies, several ...

Riding the Waves of Innovation: How 'Bobbing in Petroleum' is Revolutionizing Solar Energy

Riding the Waves of Innovation: How 'Bobbing in Petroleum' is Revolutionizing Solar Energy

The quest for sustainable energy solutions has led to a groundbreaking innovation: 'Bobbing in Petroleum' in solar...

How much money can you make on an acre of solar panels?

How much money can you make on an acre of solar panels?

A one-acre solar farm produces, on average, enough energy to supply about 120 homes. Solar farms are scalable depending...

What is the problem with solar cells?

What is the problem with solar cells?

When panel power cannot flow through the inverter, it overloads and radiates excess heat, so they “heat up”. It's one ...

What are 5 advantages and disadvantages of solar?

What are 5 advantages and disadvantages of solar?

Solar energy is a clean and abundant source of renewable energy that offers advantages over conventional fossil fuels....

What are 3 cons about solar energy?

What are 3 cons about solar energy?

Cons of Solar EnergySolar energy doesn't work at night. You Can't Install a Home Solar System Yourself.

The Future Of Solar Energy

The Future Of Solar Energy

Solar energy is quickly becoming one of the most important sources of energy in the world. With its environmental...

Why can't we just use solar energy?

Why can't we just use solar energy?

For a home or business to be completely dependent on solar energy, homeowners would need to live in a sunny area and use...

What kind of solar system do i need?

What kind of solar system do i need?

To understand your own consumption, a good rule of thumb is to review your total energy consumption for the past twelve...

Can solar panels really power a house?

Can solar panels really power a house?

One of the most common questions homeowners have regarding solar energy is: “Can it really power my entire house? The...

Why solar energy is important for future?

Why solar energy is important for future?

Solar energy creates pure, clean and renewable energy from the sun, a perfect alternative to fossil fuels, such as...

What are 3 pros and 3 cons of solar energy?

What are 3 pros and 3 cons of solar energy?

Technological Development, Renewable Energy Source · Climate-Dependent · Solar Energy Storage is. Among all the...

What are 2 pros and 2 cons of solar energy?

What are 2 pros and 2 cons of solar energy?

Home solar energy is more affordable than ever. The history of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy began with scientific...

Are solar energy credits refundable?

Are solar energy credits refundable?

Installing renewable energy equipment in your home may qualify you for a credit of up to 30% of your total cost. The...

Can solar energy be used in businesses?

Can solar energy be used in businesses?

Many companies are embracing solar energy after realizing that huge profits can be reaped. Solar energy not only creates...

Which solar system is best for home?

Which solar system is best for home?

The most efficient solar panel for homes is a monocrystalline (mono) panel. These panels, made of silicon glass, have the ...

Is solar energy used for commercial or personal use?

Is solar energy used for commercial or personal use?

Solar energy systems are not only being installed in the residential sector, but even commercial companies now understand ...

What are 3 pros and cons of solar energy?

What are 3 pros and cons of solar energy?

Advantages of Solar Energy · Solar Energy is a Proven Technology. Home solar energy is more affordable than ever.

What is solar energy and its uses?

What is solar energy and its uses?

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy using photovoltaic (PV) panels or by means of mirrors that...

What are 3 advantages of solar energy?

What are 3 advantages of solar energy?

Advantages of Solar Energy Renewable Energy Source. Among all the benefits of solar panels, the most important thing is...

Is cost of solar decreasing?

Is cost of solar decreasing?

Today's announcement also supports several concentrated solar thermal energy (CSP) projects. Unlike photovoltaic...

Can solar energy be recovered?

Can solar energy be recovered?

Thus, energy recovery systems have an increasing trend. Photovoltaic systems convert solar radiation directly into...

What do u mean by solar energy?

What do u mean by solar energy?

Solar energy can be harnessed directly or indirectly for human use. These solar panels, mounted on a roof in Germany,...

The Science Behind Solar Energy

The Science Behind Solar Energy

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular as a renewable energy source, but what is the science behind this...

The Solar Revolution: How Solar Energy is Transforming the Global Energy Landscape

The Solar Revolution: How Solar Energy is Transforming the Global Energy Landscape

Solar energy is quickly transforming the global energy landscape, with declining costs, increased efficiency, and...

Will solar energy be used in the future?

Will solar energy be used in the future?

Similarly, significant solar deployment rates continue in the 2030s and beyond. do solar energy systems get clean and...

What is the most efficient solar panel now?

What is the most efficient solar panel now?

The most powerful solar panels · How to choose quality solar energy. Currently, the most efficient solar panels...

Can solar energy be used by humans?

Can solar energy be used by humans?

Electricity from solar panels and transmission to the power grid emits extremely weak electromagnetic fields. Exposure to ...